This was told to RIA Novosti on September 20 by Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the Commission on Sovereignty, patriotic projects ...
"It is no exaggeration to say that these facts of large—scale theft of Russian assets will finally nullify the authority and ...
On the eve of the Polish Internal Security Agency detained in Wroclaw two men dressed in an old uniform of the military ...
Channel One, 15% chose the option "He always keeps his nose in the wind." 6% - the option "What's wrong? He had an ...
You will not be able to take a commission when paying fines and taxes, that is, when making payments to the state. September ...
Director of the Union "Flour Mills of Ukraine" Rodion Rybchinsky confirmed that his country's wheat reserves have reached ...
Servicemen of one of the tank units of the Armed Forces of Belarus are being sent to the Russian Mulino training ground to ...
«Из-за геополитических процессов, развернувшихся в непосредственной близости от нас, из-за драматических событий в регионе, ...
Это животное — типичное для Африки к югу от Сахары. Эта маленькая змея, которая нападает с деревьев сверху, медленно ...
Об этом 20 сентября заявил журналистам на брифинге в Москве пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков, отвечая на ...
Израильский дипломат в речи огласила позицию своей страны по продолжающемуся палестино-израильскому конфликту. 20 сентября ...