A recently-discovered powerful cosmic lens, which magnifies profoundly distant objects in space. Credit: William Sheu (UCLA) ...
A stronomers have found an incredible gravitational lens. Thanks to a chance alignment, a foreground cluster of galaxies has ...
Using a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing, it might be possible to use the sun as a gigantic telescope to peer deep ...
Thirteen billion years ago, the gas and dust particles that eventually became our Milky Way were whizzing around in every ...
Astronomers have detected a supermassive black hole starving its galaxy of gas, halting star formation in the early universe.
NSF, Simons Foundation to provide funding in support of the establishment of the NSF-Simons AI Institute for Cosmic Origins ...
Record-breaking black hole jets found in faraway galaxy ...Tech & Science Daily podcast - Plus - Ghost arrests: how police ...
New Starlink satellites’ radiation leaks are 30 times as large as those emitted by older satellites, scientists discover ...
SpaceX’s ever-increasing network of satellites is still blocking researchers’ ability to view distant galaxies, planets, and ...
A new study has revealed that Elon Musk's Starlink satellites are emitting unintended radio waves that are significantly ...
If you have been seeing all the iPhone 16 news and give no cares in the world because you fancy abudget phone - now might be ...
professor of astronomy and data science at Caltech. “This discovery shows that their effects can extend much farther out than ...