as scientists at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) discovered when they investigated hair follicle stem cells (HFSCs), a tissue in constant regeneration, to clarify how dying cells are detected ...
Although this is probably true of epithelial tumors, in mesenchyme-derived cancers, such as acute leukemias and lymphomas, quite the opposite may be found. Normal hematopoiesis and immunity are ...
In this science story, there has not been just one, big "Eureka!" moment, there have been a chain of them dating back more ...
Hair follicles (HF) regenerate throughout adult life, involving a 2-way signaling between epithelial stem cells and its niche. The niche includes mesenchymal cells such as dermal papillae and ...
The gut microbiota and its functional metabolites play crucial roles in the development of intestinal fibrosis in patients ...
The specification of liver progenitors occurs through a combination of positive inductive signals from the cardiogenic mesoderm and septum transversum mesenchyme and repressive signals from the trunk ...